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27.04.06 - Alien vs Predator II: Lame
FFS! And i thought Alien vs Predator was f*ckin appauling, now we have what sounds like an even more appauling monstrosity on the way.


Update! Read more for ... erm more?
ALIEN VS. PREDATOR II script review: "Taking all the decent work into consideration, it's catastrophic. It's really that bad a script. If fans don't already feel like whipped dogs, they will by the end of this, and the sad thing is, they'll buy just enough tickets to guarantee Fox makes another one of these, if only for DVD, in the future. Because it's so cold and crass and calculating, so pointless a retread of the work of the genuine talents involved in the franchises previously, this is the one that feels like the stake in the heart of both properties. This is the announcement that they're not remotely interested in continuing the films in a way that expands the great work that already exists. It's creatively bankrupt in a way designed to take the least effort for a return. It's a bitter pill to swallow, having to kiss off both franchises for the time being, and all I can hope is that there's a genuine rebirth later. This certainly isn't it.

Seems Fox didn't like the reaction to the rough draft review, which was a lot worse than the little snippet i posted above. They've forced the removal of the offending piece from, here's a little bit from the follow up:

Fox seemed particularly upset, though, saying that it was unfair of us to review a first draft, and that they aren't even sure they're going to make or release the film right now. Of course, they announced a release date for next summer, which would suggest that they have to start filming soon, and I seriously doubt they're going to redevelop the entire property from zero at this point.

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Section: [Horror] Source URL: [GoreZone] Comments: [Post Comment] Author: spudthedestroyer on Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:33 am

omfg.. please kill me
Author: [shakazuzu] on Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:42 am

Title: Alien vs predator II

The suicide numbers will definitly raise when this shite comes out. Damn..
Author: [pure] on Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:48 am


It is quite annoying that all these so-call news site just post the same news from one and other, they never actually read anything at all, quite poor news reporting skill if I may say. All they do is pass alone something tat they read somewhere that someone has read the script without actually letting the reader themselve decide. So right now all i can see is a bunch of fanboys suicides. Dont think I will mind that at all.
Author: [harry_potter] on Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:04 pm

Title: Seems like their review hit close to home imo

I don't quite follow your point, sloppy to report that people who've read the script say its terrible? Better than not saying anything at all imo, but yeah its annoying that its the same scraps of info that circulate. Have to remember its not fangoria we are talking about here, they are net sites and they don't get the access have access to.

Then again, the news that avp2 is going to be terrible is no more news than that abomination RE2 was going to suck ass. You could smell that coming from a mile away.

Ain't It Cool News reviewed the script and reported how terrible it was... (read: texas family vs aliens Surprised ). Fox then sent cease and desist letters.

What that shows is that this script review hit close to home if you ask me, and they hit the panic button and wanted to crush negative press until after the stink bomb flies. I had a look at their review before they took it down and boy did it sound bad, hella-bad... did you read it? I was expecting it to suck, but not as badly as they made out.

More on the news of the news Laughing

If you follow the GoreZone original link up above you can see more about the script review

Then again is it news worthy? Everybody knew this thing was going to be absolutely f*cking terrible, i guess Fox didn't like how terrible Ain't It Cool News thought it was! Laughing

Judging by the comments though, i'm guessing this is news worthy, even though its pretty much common knowledge that avp2 is most likely is going to be a million times worse than the first, which was just terrible in itself.
Author: [spudthedestroyer] on Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:33 am


oh yeah...

and don't ever expect dead-donkey to get a scoop, portal = news stealing only Laughing

lol, imagine us giving an interview... so is there a screener? Laughing
Author: [spudthedestroyer] on Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:22 am

Title: AvP2

sadly, I'll watch it. Laughing
Author: [dinky] on Sat Apr 29, 2006 3:24 pm


I had no doubt on your allegiance to utter shite dinky.

I won't be paying money for it in any form, but the chances i might see at least some of it is moderate. I doubt if its as bad as AvP i'll make it all the way through this time.
Author: [spudthedestroyer] on Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:56 am


I cant believe people keep watching Paul WS Anderson films. Have people not learned that a retarded child with forks for fingers could paint a better picture then him?
Author: [Andyschism] on Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:37 pm


c'mmon, now. I have higher standards than max. Wink

it's aliens. it's predator. that would be like not watching AotC after TPM...or RotS after AotC. gotta do it.
Author: [dinky] on Tue May 02, 2006 10:51 pm

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