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09.06.06 - Several Top Sites closed by FBI
Seems that the FBI have shut down several topsites under the .us domain, which could lead to further arrests in some big Scene groups
According to an internal scene notice, the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) has confiscated dozens of servers belonging to at least four top sites. The release groups FLAMES, DiAMOND, SAGA and HAFVCD, hosted by Layered Technologies in Frisco Texas, are reportedly offline. Several other affiliate sites, hosted by Server Matrix, were also taken down.

According to the scene notice, FBI agents entered Layered Technologies at 9 AM. At that point, the servers were already offline and awaiting FBI confiscation. Simultaneously, the scene notice states FBI agents entered Server Matrix's facility and confiscated 18-20 servers from yet unnamed top sites.

The scene notice also states that according to an employee of Layered Technologies, the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) had filed a complaint with the connectivity provider, along with the FBI.

At the current time, the release groups FLAMES, SAGA, DiAMOND, NBP, F4CG and TBE appear affected. Release groups, or top sites, are the virtual pinnacle of the online warez scene. Most online movie and software releases originate from these sources, and slowly trickle their way to mainstream distribution methods such as the Newsgroups, IRC, P2P and BitTorrent.

At the time of publication, the MPAA, FBI, or Layered Technologies were not able to provide comment for this article.

As a final point, the scene notice closes with the following:

"Now for all groups: Leave the insecure .us colo scene. ANYONE can start a site there, and its just matter of time before LT or SM tech notices that site running there. They even forbid that on their legal agreement, and they take the box offline if they see anything related to warez on there. Now its time to act, and make the scene more secure. Finally! We saw this last year too, we saw this an year before. And we will see this if nobody does anything. Fuck to colos. Fuck to P2P. Keep the scene secure."

The following nfo response was distributed:

_______ ______ _______
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brings you another busts today

┼ ┼
┼ Date 2006/06/08 Release Type NFO ┼
┼ Source LT/SM/Siteops - FOR SCENERS ONLY - ┼
┼ ┼

Another summer starts with an another bust. Seems like this is starting to
happen every year now.

Today somewhere around 9am F.B.I. officers took down 7-8 boxes from LT,
following with an another bust @ datacenter of servermatrix located in

At the moment seems like 4 sites have been taken completely down by feds,
and several sites has been closed down due to recent happenings. Some sites
continue to operate as normal.

According to anonymous *wink* tech person on LT, MPAA caused the busts by
reporting presites of FLAMES, DiAMOND, SAGA and HAFVCD to LT and FBI
personnels. Boxes werent taken down by LT, but by the FBI when they came in.
LT also gave box owners names and addresses and cc details for authorities.

At the same time FBI raided datacenter of SM and took down 18-20 boxes
including boxes from 24TB drftpd.

Affected affils include at least: FLAMES, SAGA, DiAMOND, NBP, F4GC and
TBE. Theres reports of other affils too, but they're mostly rumors so
we dont include them here.

Now for all groups: Leave the insecure .us colo scene. ANYONE can start
a site there, and its just matter of time before LT or SM tech notices
that site running there. They even forbid that on their legal agreement,
and they take the box offline if they see anything related to warez on
there. Now its time to act, and make the scene more secure. Finally!
We saw this last year too, we saw this an year before. And we will see
this if nobody does anything. Fuck to colos. Fuck to P2P. Keep the scene

┼ SDE ┼

DiAMOND in particular are a big group that have made a lot of decent rips.

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Hits: 26845
Section: [P2P] Source URL: [Slyck] Comments: [Post Comment] Author: spudthedestroyer on Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:04 pm

Author: [shabara_misho] on Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:01 pm

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