Mails are now being sent and received correctly on registrations, pms and reply notifications... the snag is now once again, microsoft is censoring mails before they hit your inbox without notifying either the recipient or the sender.
I have been forced to reintroduce the ban on microsoft mail addresses until the issue is resolved.
If you wish to use hotmail, msn or live addresses, please email support at your site and notify them that you are no longer receiving emails from . Last time the issue was resolved without any involvement from this site, which suggests they need to unblock the domain at their side.
My recommendation is to completely drop hotmail as a viable email platform, they have been censoring mails for a long time now, their service deactivates your account if you don't log in, and there's a plethora of nasty issues.
If you go on over to gmail, , you will find a very stable, free email service, that does not censor mails, and offers pop3/smtp access.
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