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15.10.05 - Quake, the movie..
Well call me skeptical, but i think its a flat out lie that universal has any intention to "do it right" when they can do it for a cheap buck.
Universal Pictures is set to release their ultra disappointing video game adaptation of Doom in theaters next Friday, but don't fret, we can get excited all over again as Todd Hollenshead, CEO of id Software, confirms a Quake adapation is in development. Read on for the full story. In the Quake 2 and Quake 4 universe?an alien race from another planet that has attacked the Earth...

Why is this such great news? Well every single Quake game is about 100X better than the Doom games- and also 100X scarier. But still, another movie with alien invaders just doesn't interest me...

Todd Hollenshead, CEO of id Software, told SCI FI Wire that a movie based on their Quake series was discussed long before a Doom film was in the works. As the Doom movie was bounced around between Warner Brothers and Universal Pictures, the game creators began pursuing an idea to make Quake into a film as well. "There has been talk about a Quake movie," Hollenshead said in an interview. "We would be interested in pursuing that. We had a good experience with Lorenzo [di Bonaventura] and John [Wells, the producers] and the cast [Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Rosmund Pike and others], as well as Universal."

The trick with turning the Quake games into a film is that the games include very different environments. "The challenge for Quake is what to draw from for the movie," Hollenshead said. "Quake 2 and 3 are very different, and Quake 4 is kind of a prequel to 2. So for a movie, we will probably draw from the Quake 2 and Quake 4 universe?an alien race from another planet that has attacked the Earth. That sort of thing."

Will it matter if the Doom film does well or not? "It won't make much difference to us, we see everything independently," Hollenshead said. "But in the ranks of Hollywood, if they see the Doom movie as successful, it will raise the interest level and they would want other game movies and come to us."

Doom opens Oct. 21 and is being released by Universal Pictures, a division of NBC Universal, which also owns

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Section: [Horror] Source URL: [Bloody-Disgusting] Comments: [Post Comment] Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:17 pm
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