Here's the latest on Max Brook's big screen outing.
WORLD WAR Z: There's several zombie films in the works right now but none of them have anything close to the potential promise of WORLD WAR Z based on Max Brooks’s best-seller. However there was fear that the project had become stalled in development in recent months and may not make it into production after all. Not so says the author.
“Paramount just renewed the option for WORLD WAR Z, for half the time and twice the money, so that might signal interest” said Brooks in a recent interview with Fear.Net. So where does it stand right now? "We still got our director, Marc Forster, who's raring to go. Were all waiting on Matt Carnahan's new draft, which should come in a month or so.”
Brooks says part of the hesitancy is the expense in portraying a global apocalypse - “You can't do a cheap and dirty WORLD WAR Z. It's a world war, and I think that makes studio executives nervous. I think it limits its options, so that's running against it.”
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