10.11.24 RIP Candyman - Tony T...
20.09.22 Let the Right One In...
04.09.22 Server Migration comp...
04.09.22 Server Migration
20.02.18 Fangoria returns!
21.07.13 Nightbreed: The Cabal...
16.02.13 Fist of Jesus (2013)
15.09.12 Videodrome remake
08.09.12 phpBB upgrade and ser...
05.08.12 Site updates and patc...
09.06.12 Mad God on Kickstarte...
23.05.12 Carmageddon on Kickst...
09.02.25 Alien Nation: Millenniu...
08.02.25 Street Trash (2024)
07.02.25 Alien Nation: Body And...
02.02.25 Wishmaster 3: Beyond Th...
31.01.25 Alien Nation: Dark Hori...
30.01.25 Werewolves (2024)
Thu 13 Feb, 2025
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10.11.24 - RIP Candyman - Tony Todd dies aged 69
Tony Todd, best known for starring in the Candyman horror films, has died aged 69.

The American actor died at his home in Los Angeles on Wednesday night, according to reports.

He starred as the title character in the horror series, depicting the ghostly Candyman character with a hook for a hand, summoned by saying his name five times in front of a mirror.

Todd continued as Candyman from the first film in 1992 through follow-ups in 1995 and 1999, and reprised the role in 2021 for a fourth film serving as a direct sequel to the original.

Throughout his 40-year career, Todd also featured in hundreds of films, stage productions and television dramas, including roles in the Transformers and Final Destination films.

In Candyman, Todd's titular character is the ghost of artist Daniel Robitaille, a black man who was lynched in the 19th Century.

The 1992 film sees Todd's character accidentally summoned to the real world by a graduate student in Chicago intrigued by the urban legend of the Candyman, setting off a chain of murderous events.

Speaking to the Guardian in 2019, external, Todd recalled the film's famous scene that sees Candyman swarmed with bees, during which he was stung 23 times and apparently paid a $1,000 bonus each time.

"Everything that’s worth making has to involve some sort of pain," he remarked.

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Hits: 2118
Section: [Horror] Source URL: [BBC News] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Nov 10, 2024 1:43 pm
20.09.22 - Let the Right One In gets a TV Series
LET THE RIGHT ONE IN series: Mark and his daughter Eleanor's lives changed 10 years ago when she was turned into a vampire. Eleanor leads a secluded life, able to go out only at night, while her father does his best to feed her the human blood she needs to survive. Starring Demián Bichir, Madison Taylor Baez and Anika Noni Rose. Streaming October 7th.

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Hits: 10749
Section: [Horror] Source URL: [Gorezone] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:21 pm
04.09.22 - Cool Server Migration complete
Barring the odd bugs you are now on the new server.

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Hits: 10524
Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:59 pm
04.09.22 - Vengence Server Migration
Server Migration is now happening.

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Hits: 10438
Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:49 pm
20.02.18 - Fangoria returns!
After troubles with the publisher, Fangoria went into a limited digital copy run, before finally stopping all production and keeping tight lipped about the future.

Good news comes this month, with an announcement that Fangoria will be returning as a quarterly magazine. Long term fans rejoice!
The magazine was the premier stop for articles and scoops from the horror movie scene in the '80s and '90s.
Fangoria is rising from the dead.

The horror magazine, which in the 1980s and 1990s was the premier stop for articles and scoops from the horror movie scene, is being resurrected by Cinestate, the multimedia company behind Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cell Block 99. Sister publications, the sci-fi mag Starlog and another horror title Gorezone, are also part of the deal.

Cinestate, the Texas-based entertainment company run by CEO Dallas Sonnier, has acquired all the assets and trademarks of the Fangoria brand, including the magazine, from The Brooklyn Co.

Phil Nobile Jr., previously the editor-at-large at movie website, has been hired as editor-in-chief for the new Fangoria, which will be a collectible quarterly. The first issue will drop this fall in time for Halloween.

Fangoria was launched in 1979 and became the go-to publication for horror fans. At the height of its popularity, it had its own awards show, expanded into horror conventions, and was involved in producing movies and comics. As with other print publications, Fangoria suffered in the digital age as ad support dwindled.

“Fangoria is not something that competes with online blogs. Fangoria is not an algorithm,” said Nobile in a statement. “Fangoria is something you hold in your hands, something you spend a bit of time with in the real world. That’s what it was for decades, and that’s what we’re going to make it again.”

Popular Fangoria writers Tony Timpone and Michael Gingold will return to the magazine with their own columns, and to consult for the company.

Additionally, the publication already has scored contributor commitments from, among others,Cell Block 99 filmmaker S. Craig Zahler, Ashlee Blackwell (Graveyard Shift Sisters), Samuel Zimmerman (Shudder), Grady Hendrix (Paperbacks From Hell), Meredith Borders (former editorial director of Birth.Movies.Death), horror historian Rebekah McKendry and Preston Fassel (whose project Our Lady of the Inferno is in development at Cinestate).

Nobile will act as the creator-director of the Fangoria brand and lead the charge of bringing in voices for the new iteration.

Cinestate is not just keeping Fangoria print-focused. The plan calls for producing movies and podcasts, as well as publishing horror novels. Cinestate vp Amanda Presmyk will head up production on a slate of Fangoria-presented movies that Sonnier will bring to the table for Cinestate’s new label.

Cinestate is in post on a re-imagining of the Puppet Master franchise, as well as Zahler’s next movie, Dragged Across Concrete, for Lionsgate starring Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn.

Cinestate published its first novel in January – Zahler’s Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child. The book is being being developed into a feature by Zahler, Cinestate and The Jim Henson Co.

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Hits: 33682
Section: [Horror] Source URL: [Hollwood Reporter] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:20 pm
21.07.13 - Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut on BluRay and DVD
Set to release in 2014:
Scream Factory had an exciting announcement for Clive Barker fans during their Comic-Con panel tonight. We previously told you that there has been a push to get Clive Barker’s extended cut of Nightbreed on Blu-ray and it’s now official.

While this was just an early announcement, we expect The Cabal Cut blu-ray to receive the Scream Factory collector’s edition treatment, which would include a new HD transfer and an extensive set of bonus features. Here are details on the work that went into originally putting The Cabal Cut together:

“Ever since it was first released, Clive Barker’s Nightbreed has been the subject of much debate. For nearly twenty years now, there have been stories of more Nightbreed, missing scenes, and special edition releases. These stories have always been conjecture and hearsay. Until now…

In 2009 Seraphim’s Mark Miller contacted Morgan Creek and found out that there may well be more to the Myth than anyone had thought. Two European encoded VHS tapes were discovered and sent to Phil and Sarah Stokes, who run Clive Barker’s website, Revelations. They viewed the tapes and saw what nobody had seen in almost 2 decades; additional Nightbreed footage. Phil and Sarah transferred the footage to DVD and, with Clive’s approval, announced to the world that missing footage for Clive’s film had been found. Thanks to their hard work and far reaching publicity, the original workprint was screened at Horror Hound convention in March 2010.

Inspired to see Clive’s original vision come to light, filmmaker Russell Cherrington, longtime friend of Clive Barker and Seraphim, took the DVD back to England and, working with editor Jimmi Johnson and Clive Barker’s original Script, created the new cut of Nightbreed composited from two the VHS sources and the original Warner Brothers DVD. The original cinema release of Nightbreed was fused with the workprint to create The Cabal Cut.

The Cabal Cut was screened at The Mad Monster Party in Charlotte NC where a Q&A with took place that featured Anne Bobby (Lori), Craig Sheffer (Boone), Mark Miller (Producer for Seraphim), and Russell Cherrington (Restoration Director). During this panel discussion, Anne called out for the fans to make their voices heard. She told them to Occupy Midian and the fans of Nightbreed have done exactly that.

And now, due to popular demand, Clive Barker and Seraphim are proud to announce the launch of This is the definitive site for people to visit pertaining to all things Nightbreed. The official Teaser Trailer for this epic Cut of Nightbreed is available for viewing exclusively on the site.

Come to Show your support, receive updates on the status of the project, and find out when The Cabal Cut will be screening next.”

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Hits: 64918
Section: [Horror] Source URL: [] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:18 pm
16.02.13 - Fist of Jesus (2013)
Think you will enjoy this one!

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Hits: 62826
Section: [Movies] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:27 pm
15.09.12 - Videodrome remake

Looks like Videodrome is setup to be another title on the sacrificial alter to the remake gods
And yet, today Deadline reports that Adam Berg, who has directed popular commercials, is on board to helm a remake of David Cronenberg‘s classic film. Ehren Kruger, who’s been attached to the project since 2009 and is the screenwriter behind such masterpieces as Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Reindeer Games, scripted the remake.

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Hits: 66334
Section: [Movies] Source URL: [] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 1 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:49 pm
08.09.12 - Cool phpBB upgrade and server upgrades
Another round of updates, and this time even including fileheaven. If you have any problems, signup to and post in the bug report thread:

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Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:23 pm
05.08.12 - Cool Site updates and patches
Do not be alarmed, we are currently upgrading to the latest and greatest of everything.

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Hits: 63263
Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:20 am
09.06.12 - Mad God on Kickstarter

Awesome looking horror/scifi/fantasy stop-motion/digital animation: Phil Tippett's "MAD GOD" is kicking around on *starter, you should check it out:

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Hits: 54838
Section: [Horror] Source URL: [Mad God] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:39 pm
23.05.12 - Carmageddon on Kickstarter

Carmageddon could be back! Using the kickstarter model the team behind Carmageddon are looking at funding options for the new game... there's a plethora of rewards on offer to KickStarters:

Head over to kickstarter to help get this game funded:

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Hits: 49669
Section: [Games] Source URL: [KickStarter] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Wed May 23, 2012 1:26 pm
29.04.12 - Mel Gibson in Machete kills

Certainly could do with some drunken anti-semitism!
** MACHETE KILLS: He was rumoured a few weeks ago, now Mel Gibson has reportedly entered serious discussions for a supporting role in Robert Rodriguez's sequel. (thanks to

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Hits: 64559
Section: [Movies] Source URL: [GoreZone] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:53 pm
29.04.12 - Forum registrations open on
After a few tweaks, namely banning registrations from China, India, Pakistan and Bahrain (this one might be temporary), and also cross referencing with anti-spam sites, I have disabled administrator activation of forum registrations.

Please join the community!

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Hits: 86159
Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:20 pm
21.04.12 - Prometheus

A selection of trailers from what is set to be the awesome king of awesomeness
Official Trailers

Viral Videos

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Hits: 483867
Section: [Movies] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:21 am
06.02.12 - Cool Dead-Donkey Twitter, twits, tweets and twats
We've registered the following:!/deaddonkeysite

Which will allow you to see a status of the site should we incur any attack or outage. The last appears to be some poor tuning on my part. We'll also post any maintainance or other bits of info if needed.

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Hits: 56881
Section: [Site] Source URL: [Twitter] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 1 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:10 pm
31.01.12 - Site backup
Not sure what happened to the server, but SSH was dead and after forcing a reboot there's lots of out of memory, etc. errors.

There were some things done to allow for higher load whilst batching emails and these may not have been correctly disabled. As it stands looking at the logs no new processes could be forked and a server load of 2.1 was achieved at peak.

I'll investigate further and see if this can be fixed.

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Hits: 19344
Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 1 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:55 pm
28.01.12 - Evil Dead Remake actress drops out
When a bad thing just won't die..
** THE EVIL DEAD remake: A Variety scribe is reporting actress Lily Collins has bowed out of the forthcoming remake. She was supposed to play a character tantamount to Ash (Bruce Campbell's role in the original trilogy). In the film, five twenty-something friends who become holed up in a remote cabin where they discover a Book Of The Dead. An archaeologist's tape recording reveals that the ancient text was discovered among the Khandarian ruins of a Sumerian civilization. Playing the taped incantations, the youths unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival. (thanks to

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Hits: 20737
Section: [Horror] Source URL: [GoreZone] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 1 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:38 pm
07.01.12 - domain squatting
Just a small note, seems Tucows has done some shady dealings and the domain was never released for re-purchase. Instead its been handed over to some advertising/squatting firm affiliated with Tucows. This usually happens with desirable top level domains and represents why these big companies should not be in charge of internal 'real estate'.

Fileheaven can only be accessed by:
Any other domain or site is either fake, squatting or, as we call on the internet... "a shit".

Please do post on your favourite forum indicating the domain/site is found here:

I've added this to the header and some other places to increase SEO.

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Hits: 19362
Section: [Site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 0 posted.Author: spudthedestroyer on Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:48 pm
03.11.11 - Sitges 2011

2011 Awards: Red State, best motion picture


J. A. Bayona, Quim Casas, Lisa Marie, Ryoo Seung-Wan, Richard Stanley

Best Short Film

Ex aequo to Dirty Silverwear, by Steve Daniels, and The Unliving, by Hugo Lilja

Best Production Design

Marc Thiébault by Livide (Alexandre Bustillo & Julian Maury)

Best Make Up FX

Steven Kostanski for The Divide (Xavier Gens)

Best Special Effects

Lluís Castells and Javier García for Eva (Kike Maíllo)

Best Original Soundtrack

Steven Price for Attack the Block (Joe Cornish)

Best Cinematography

Markus Förderer and Tim Fehlbaum, for Hell (Tim Fehlbaum)

Best Script

Lucky Mckee and Jack Ketchum, for The Woman (Lucky Mckee)

Best Actress

Brit Marling for Another Earth (Mike Cahill)

Best Actor

Michael Parks for Red State (Kevin Smith)

Best Director

Na Hong-jin for The Yellow Sea

Special Jury Award

Attack the Block, by Joe Cornish

Best Motion Picture

Red State, by Kevin Smith

Click Read More... for more information.

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Hits: 24213
Section: [Movies] Source URL: [Sitges 2011 site] Options: [Read More...] Comments: 2 posted.Author: elanze on Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:37 am
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