In this fourth series of the hell-raising Wishmaster, the Djinn unleashes his undying love and three...
John Novak Tara Spencer-Nairn Michael Trucco
Viewers may find some marginal entertainment in the Wishmaster series' fourth entry, which attempts to cast its perverse anti-hero, the Djinn, in a sympathetic light. However, silly plot developments and childish splatter effects undo whatever interest is generated by the premise. This time around, the Djinn is summoned by a woman whose boyfriend was crippled in an accident. He assumes the form of her lawyer and offers her the standard three wishes, two of which bring her a healthy settlement and a boost to her sex life. However, the Djinn?s generosity comes with a price: when he grants the third wish, more Djinn will be released from Hell to bring destruction to Earth. But in order to do this, he must make the woman love his true form (a horned demon). This nominally intriguing idea is bungled at every turn by hamfisted scripting and performances, making Wishmaster 4 a must-see for series completists only.
Screenshots Additional Info: Wishmaster: The Prophecy Fulfilled (USA) Le Ma?tre du cauchemar: La proph?tie (Canada: French title)
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