Comment Weird, but extremely memorable anthology from the latter days of Hammer...
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?? Spreading the love, not just the files ??
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+------------------- Asylum(1972).Xvid=STR=.avi ---------------------+
+-+ +-+
? Ripper ...........: PC_Arcade ?
? Release Date .....: 12/04/04 DVD Retail Date ..: 01/12/03 ?
? Video Format .....: XviD Video Bitrate ....: 988 kb/s ?
? Aspect Ratio .....: 1.86:1 Resolution .......: 656 x 352 ?
? Audio Format .....: VBR MP3 Audio Bitrate ....: 113 Kbps ?
? DVD Runtime ......: 88 Mins Frame Rate .......: 25 fps ?
? Language .........: English Subtitle(s) ......: N/A ?
? Film Genre .......: Horror Archives .........: 48*15 ?
? ?
: ??? ?? -------------------------------------------------------- ?? ??? :
? ?
? ? IMDB Vote .........: 6.2/10 (348 votes) ? ?
? ? IMDB address ......: ? ?
? ?
: ??? ?? -------------------------------------------------------- ?? ??? :
? ?
? [ Release Info ] ?
? ?
? A young psychiatrist interviews four inmates in a mental asylum to ?
? satisfy a requirement for employment. He hears stories about 1) the ?
? revenge of a murdered wife, 2) a tailor who makes a suit with some ?
? highly unusual qualities, 3) a woman who questions her sanity when it ?
? appears that her brother is conspiring against her, and 4) a man who ?
? builds tiny toy robots with lifelike human heads. ?
? ?
: ??? ?? -------------------------------------------------------- ?? ??? :
? ?
? ed2k://|file|Asylum(1972).Xvid=STR=.avi ?
? |733904896|0D2FF1E6AF002485CB0C91B77D9E91D8|/ ?
? ?
: ??? ?? -------------------------------------------------------- ?? ??? :
? STR - Filling the Bloodbank in 2004 ?
: ??? ?? -------------------------------------------------------- ?? ??? :
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? ?? ? [ Group News ] ? ?? ?
? ?
? Nothing to report on this one, enjoy this fine British Horror ?
? ?
? Catch us on Dead Donkey ?
? ?
? Or email us @ ?
? ?
? ?
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Asylum(1972).Xvid=STR=.avi (700 MB) [Stats ]
Ripped from :
There are no subtitles on the disk, Anchorbay disks rarely have any, it's a policy they NEED to revise IMHO.
There's only one source ATM (PC_Arcade) but I'm working on getting a second (and third) up ASAP
Format: DivX/XviDSource: DVDCategory: GothicSub-Category: NoneDate: 11 Jul, 2005Hits: 6961 Score: 7/10 Submitter: spudthedestroyer
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