Comment The fifth child's play film... here they bump up the comedy another step.
I think this one gets a really bad wrap, its lost all of the grace and horror, but its not as droll and crappy as some reviewers claim. I went into this expecting a travesty to chucky, but its not really bad at all. Its no Child's Play though, the first one rocked.
Quote: Alu :
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▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓███(T)he (G)lory of (P)arthenon█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█
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║ Seed.Of.Chucky.WS.DVDRip.XviD-TGP ║
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║ RiPPER.............: T.G.P ║
║ Release Date ......: 04/27/2005 ║
║ Theater Date ......: 11/12/2004 ║
║ DVD RLS Date ......: 06/07/2005 ║
║ RESOLUTION .......: 592x320 ║
║ RUNTIME ..........: 01:26:14 ║
║ VIDEO BITRATE .....: ~962 kb/s ║
║ FRAME RATE .......: 23.976 ║
║ AUDIO CODEC .......: VBR MP3 ║
║ AUDIO BITRATE .....: ~165 kb/s ║
║ LANGUAGE .........: English ║
║ MOVIE GENRE ......: Horror/Comedy/Crime ║
║ Subtitles..........: English ║
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▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█MOVIE INFO: ▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█
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║ imdb..: ║
║ imdb RATiNG.: 5.1/10 (1,233 votes) ║
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║ Don Mancini ║
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║ cast ║
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║ Jennifer Tilly .... Herself/Tiffany (voice) ║
║ Hannah Spearritt .... Joan ║
║ John Waters .... Pete Peters ║
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║ plot ║
║ ║
║ Chuck (Brad Dourif) and Tiff (Jennifer Tilly) return, ║
║ resurrected by their son (Billy Boyd), and hit Hollywood ║
║ in the fifth film of the CHILD'S PLAY series. ║
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▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█NOTES: ▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█
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║ DoNE 's is FS, Here is WS ║
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▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█GROUP NEWS: ▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█
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║ Pre/Screeners DVD supplier ║
║ 100Mbit+ Site Affil ║
║ 10Mbit+ legit FTP for our exclusive usage ║
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▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█ GREETS: ▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█
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║ Every Great Group Brought Quality ║
║ Releases In The Scene :P ║
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█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█NFO:shaggs!!! ▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓▒██
Seed.Of.Chucky.2004.WS.DVDRip.XviD-TGP.avi (700 MB) [Stats ]
Seed.Of.Chucky.2004.WS.DVDRip.XviD.SAMPLE-TGP.avi (9 MB) [Stats ]
Seed.Of.Chucky.2004.WS.DVDRip.XviD.SUBS-TGP.rar (688 KB) [Stats ]
Seed.Of.Chucky.2004.WS.DVDRip.XviD-TGP.nfo (16 KB) [Stats ]
Enjoy next TGP release, Brought to you by & ShadowCast
Format: DivX/XviDSource: DVDCategory: ComicSub-Category: DemonicDate: 10 Aug, 2005Hits: 6193 Score: 6/10 Submitter: spudthedestroyer
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