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Blood Massacre (1991)


Verified Links:
Blood.Massacre.1991.DVDRip.XviD-STR.avi (745 MB) [Stats]

Blood.Massacre.1991.DVDRip.XviD-STR.nfo (10 KB) [Stats]


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                       ▀▀▀▀       Present                                 

░▒▓█ Blood.Massacre.1991.DVDRip.XviD-STR █▓▒░

Ripper ...........: DxaKrator DVD Retail Date ..: 07/02/06
Release Date .....: ??/??/91 Video Bitrate ....: 1304 Kbps
Video Format .....: XviD Resolution .......: 576x432
Aspect Ratio .....: 1.33:1 Audio Bitrate ....: 120 Kbps
Audio Format .....: MP3 Frame Rate .......: 23.97 fps
Runtime ..........: 1:12:31 Subtitle(s) ......: N/A
B-VOP, Q-Pel, GMC.: Y, N, N Archives .........: N/A
Language .........: English
Film Genre .......: Horror IMDb Score .......: 4.2

░░░░░░▒▓█ [ Release Info ] █▓▒░░░░░░

We begin with Charlie Rizzo (George Stover), a Vietnam vet
that isnÆt right and his buddy who served in Nam with him,
Jimmy (James Diangelo). They are career criminals and are
planning a big score but only end up getting a few hundred
bucks from a video store that they robbed. I thought that
it was pretty funny that Stover was holding a copy of Galaxy
intruder, while awaiting his moment to pounce. They do rob
the video store and kill a few people in the process, and
unfortunately take out the guy behind the counter played by
Don Leifert, a man that I wish was used more.
The crew makes off with the money and speeds away but a hole
in the gas tank of their car leaves them stranded on the side
of the road, which is where they come across Elizabeth Parker
(Robin London). They carjack her and she drives them over to
the Parker residence, where things get really strange.

Mr. Parker (Richard Ruxton) is a great character, but I chalk
it up to Ruxton, who cannot help but to be entertaining. When
he stands up to the group, calling them 'punks', it is hila-
rious. I was glad to see that they coupled Ruxton up with
Anne Frith, who played "Ms. Parker", because they really work
off each other very well and are top notch, no budget actors.
Elizabeth, strangely, has a thing for Rizzo, and they begin
to cut each other and lick the blood off each other..weird
stuff. There is something definitely wrong with the Parkers
and this group of criminals might have stumbled across the
wrong family. They come to the realization when they find a
girl bound and gagged in a closet of the house, screaming,
"They're crazy!".

The horrible family secret is revealed and it's a pretty neat
twist. This seems to be inspired by the 1970's brand of
horror, specifically 'The Last House on the Left' and 'The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. It is an impressive effort by Don
Dohler and his crew.

░░░░░░▒▓█ [ Group News ] █▓▒░░░░░░

It's been an enjoyable ride, but regrettably STR is no more. :(

Don't expect any showbiz-style revelations of artistic differences
or massive ego clashes, it's simply got to a point where members
can't devote the time or energy they once could. In recent months
the twitching corpse has been kept active almost solely by the
efforts of DxaKrator, for which we're all truly grateful. You may
see the last of the backlog trickle through over the coming months,
but once they're gone, we're gone too.

So we'd like to bow out and say our collective thankyous to all the
other rippers and groups making ed2k the single best place for
sharing, without bringing the petty back-biting and one-upmanship
that seems to make such a mess of "The Scene". Of course, there'd
be no point releasing movies without the downloaders, so thanks to
you all; for downloading, for sharing, for keeping the files alive.

Finally, thanks to Spud, who has not only provided resources and
advice, but also been the thorn in our side that made us strive for

Peace & Love to all our friends, past present and future.

STR is, was and has been (in alphabetical order):

Decypher, DxaKrator, johnathome, karstmobile, Paul-Scream22,
PC_Arcade, Takyon, Verminaard and ViSCeRaL.

░░░░░░▒▓█ [ Greets ] █▓▒░░░░░░

SHiTBuSTeRS, video-man, Koffkongen,
Dr Phibes, Chadman, Cybersatan
& all those who help share


Format: DivX/XviD
Source: DVD
Category: Slasher
Sub-Category: Serial Killer
Date: 25 Jul, 2008
Hits: 5246
Score: 5/10
Submitter: DxaKrator
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