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Forest of Fear (1980)
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Forest of Fear
Plot / Comments:
After drug crops are sprayed with a chemical by a passing airplane, the growers of the crop are poisoned by the chemical and turn into zombie-like mutants.
"George A. Romero completists will note the presence of Martin's anemic vampire-boy John Amplas in the role of baby-faced federal agent Phillips in this Pennsylvania-lensed horror flick. One of many dead-headed stepchildren of Night of the Living Dead (1968), this film's basic premise is actually more reminiscent of Romero's Code Name: Trixie (aka The Crazies). Said plot involves a band of happy pot-growers whose crops of juju-weed are sprayed by a special new government-approved defoliant called "Dromax" -- which harshes the dopers' buzz so badly that they make the transition from cannabis farmers to cannibal farmers at the drop of a bong. When the inevitable case of the munchies ensues, the hemped-up zombie yokels seek sustenance at the jugulars of anyone unfortunate enough to wander onto their illicit plantation, resulting in gouts of fake-looking gore. Released on video under the more environmentally-aware title Toxic Zombies."
Video Codec: DivX 4 (OpenDivX)
Bitrate: 1057 kb/s
Resolution: 640x480
Length: 01:20:56 25fps
Audio Codec: MPEG-1 Layer 3
Bitrate: 128 kb/s (64/ch, stereo) CBR
Source: VHS-rip
Filesize: 722872320 bytes
Version / Cut? Other Info:
Uncut Bloodeaters

Entry Info
Date Added: 2003-09-29
Hits: 1214
Reviewer: spudthedestroyer
Score: 2 / 10

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